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Gisela Pankow association
Saturday 18 January 2020
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The International Association of Friends of Gisela Pankow (IAFGP) was founded in 1999 by Gisela Pankow’s friends and students, just after her death.
Its aim is to promote her work and continue her research in the field of disorders originating from different forms of psychic disorganization.
In 2009, the Association changed its name to Gisela Pankow International Association (GPIA).
The Gisela Pankow International Association pursues both her clinical training and her research. This is done by the organisation and development of
symposia, seminars and supervision groups, which further explore the paths she unfolded through her thinking, practice and training.
Title, aim and statutes
Title : Gisela Pankow International Association
Aim : The promotion and the protection of the rights of Dr Gisela Pankow’s intellectual property /production.
This is mainly done through symposia, seminars and publications.
Statutes: In order to download the statutes of the Gisela Pankow International Association (being updated)
The archives
The Gisela Pankow archives include manuscripts, publications, etc. and are held at the I.M.E.C.
(Institute for the Memory of Contemporary Editions
I.M.E.C. Abbaye d’Ardenne
F- 14280 St-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe
Tél. 02 31 29 37 37
Fax. 02 31 29 37 36
The archives and inventory are under the responsibility of the GPIA Board of Trustees.
Access to these archives is authorized solely by the Board of Trustees. Click here for further information.
Title : Gisela Pankow’s Presence
Date : 2004
Editor : Campagne Première – Collection « Colloque »
Click here for further information.
Training and Seminar calendar
Saturdays, once a month, at 10 am – Clinical and Theoretical Seminar
Click here for further information and enrolment.
Application for membership of the Board of Management
In order to apply for the Gisela Pankow International Association Board of Management, one must be approved by the Board of Trustees. At their meetings, the Board of Trustees may admit members onto the Board of Management. Submit your application for admission to the headquarters of the Gisela Pankow International Association.
Professional Partners
For all partnership requests or in order to set up links with the GPIA website,
submit your application to the headquarters of the Gisela Pankow International Association.
Under the link “Professional Partners” at the website, you will find other network related websites.