Accueil > À propos de Gisela Pankow > Bibliographie > The being-there of the Schizophrenic :
The being-there of the Schizophrenic :
dimanche 19 janvier 2020
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Contributions to the dynamic-structuring method in psychosis
Aubier, Paris 1981
Flammarion, coll. Champs, 2006
Translated into German : Schizophrenie und Dasein, Frommann-Holzboog, Stuttgard, 1990)
This work traces back Dr Gisela Pankow’s research on psychosis launched in 1956 and presents for the first time her theory of dynamic structuring in schizophrenia.
Gisela Pankow starts with a revised and extended version of the 1956 work. She continues by presenting the viewpoints construed over the years ; she further clarifies and broadens the scope of her thinking on the one main issue : relations between rejection and identity. In a less systematic perspective, the author considers the interest of drawing the reader’s attention to the North American theoretical state-of-the-art on schizophrenia at the end of the 1950s.
At a time when American psychiatrists’ and psychoanalysts’ writings were mainly unknown in France, IGisela Pankow actually had the brilliant idea of getting in touch with the foremost representatives of these disciplines, : Rosen, Grotjahn, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Bateson, Flanders Dunbar, etc. to name but a few. In addition to this state-of-the-art, the author believed it relevant to enclose an interview from 1978 in which the reader can appreciate her recent theoretical developments.
In order to lighten up after “the descent into hell”, we have included short stories on real and on fake schizophrenia in everyday life.
The international level of Gisela Pankow’s writings – six books and ninety-three scientific publications – highlight the quality of the training she ran as of 1971 at the University of Paris VI – Medicine Faculty of Saint Antoine. She was also guest professor in the USA, Australia, Canada and Tunisia, and gave conferences in most European countries.
As of 1958 she supervised a Seminar in Paris entitled “The analytical therapy of psychosis”.