Accueil > À propos de Gisela Pankow > Bibliographie > The Dynamic Structuring in Psychosis :
The Dynamic Structuring in Psychosis :
dimanche 19 janvier 2020
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Contributions to the analytical psychotherapy
Editions Campagne Première 2010
Gisela Pankow, a foremost figure in psychoanalysis, dedicated her life to the development of a therapeutic approach of psychosis
and similar psychic disorganisations.
For the first time translated into French, these writings bring together the most typical case examples.
A fundamental text which opens up rich perspectives for clinical thinking and research.
The fundamental concepts, such as : body-image, transfer-graft, structuring-phantasm...
as well as the use of modelling during treatment are strongly justified.
In this manner, Gisela Pankow shares with the reader the dynamics of her analytical practice.
In this book her theoretical approach, clinical experience and therapeutic work are closely intertwined.
Gisela Pankow (1914-1998), originally from Germany, moved to Paris in the 1950s. An internationally renowned psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, she trained several generations of analysts in France and abroad.