Accueil > À propos de Gisela Pankow > Bibliographie > Man and his Psychosis

Man and his Psychosis

dimanche 19 janvier 2020

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

Prefaced by Dr Jean Laplanche
Aubier, Paris, 1969, 1973, 1983
Flammarion, coll. « Champs », 1993, 1997, 2003

This writing was translated to :
Spanish : El Hombre y su psicosis, Amorrortu ed., Buenos Aires, 1974
Italian : L’Uomo e la sua psicosi, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1977
En grec : Ο άνθρωπος και η ψύχωσή του, ed. Pyli, Athènes, 1986

Mrs G. Pankow was a psychoanalyst in Paris and was Chair at Bonn’s Medicine Faculty.
Medical doctor in Neuro-Psychiatry at Tübingen Faculty of Medicine and former assistant of Professor E. Kretschmer.

Ph. D. from Paris University, she published over 50 articles in the field of morpho-endocrinology
with Professor J. Decourt, as well as on psychiatry and on psychoanalysis.

She was also guest professor in the USA, Australia, Canada and Tunisia,
and gave conferences in most European countries.
From 1958 she supervised a Seminar in Paris entitled “The analytical therapy of psychosis”.