Accueil > À propos de Gisela Pankow > Bibliographie > 25 years of Analytical Psychotherapy of Psychosis
25 years of Analytical Psychotherapy of Psychosis
dimanche 19 janvier 2020
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Paper Collection under Gisela Pankow’s supervision
Aubier, Paris, 1984
His work is the result of the seminar “Analytical Psychotherapy of Psychosis”
which Dr Gisela Pankow supervised in Paris as of 1958.
Most of these papers were presented at this seminar, two of them were dissertations on psychiatry.
In this group emphasis was on developing partnerships with doctors working in the public sector.
This is why the cases presented are mostly from psychiatric hospital in-patient departments and out-patient public facilities.
The contributions here are vast in their style and nature.
Gisela Pankow was always attentive to the different therapeutic styles of each supervisee.
She aimed at avoiding any alienation that might restrain either the research perspective or the analytical therapy.
Nonetheless, the works presented in this collection have a common purpose :
to seek and to apply the technique of analytical therapy to psychosis.